“I had a soul-entrepreneur session with Thalia. During our session she worked with my spirit guides and demystified my past life and why certain things are the way they are and i was cracked open to accept them as it resonated deeply with my soul. This session was a break through for me, I know exactly what was stopping my mission and purpose. Now i have massive clarity, I am ready to roll. I will keep coming back for other sessions to this divine lady whose only mission is to help people.”




“Thalia is unbelievably so incredible all around! Her energy is beautiful, truly inspiring and radiant! Her wisdom is deep, sacred and very powerful. I had the honour to learn 1:1 past lives and the knowledge AND ENERGY ACTIVATIONS I hold close to my heart and spirit. Highly recommend Thalia.”




“Thalia is an amazing teacher. Over the course of the past 2 months I have learned more about myself in the Oracle course.  Thalia made it so easy to understand and her teaching method of breaking it down was amazing.  She truly loves what she is doing and it comes across with abundance.  She has become such a huge blessing to me and taught me how to have a more clear channel. I would recommend that anyone wanting to learn more about their unique gifts and abilities to take the course. It is 100% the best thing that I have done for my healing journey.”



“My experience with Thalia has been amazing. I don’t normally get reading with psychics but I felt called to do it with her as her energy is very loving and heart centered. I felt I could trust her right from the start. She gave me so very inspiring messages not only from past lives but also at a galactic and cosmic level. She blends her gifts with Tarot and her psychic abilities which are vision and automatic writing. I was comforted by her messages and encouraged and guided in my path ahead. She clarified many things that where stuck in my life and I feel a greater sense of relief after this reading / healing session. Thanks Thalia.”



Going into the soul memory method, I had no idea what to expect. I set the intention of going deeper into past lives to heal and to connect with my guides. Thalia provided a safe and open space, which calmed any nerves I had. With Thalia guiding me the entire time, I went into a deep relaxation while my soul began to remember. Going to past lifetimes that needed healing by remembering. I was amazed at my own ability to astral travel and remote view with Thalia’s guidance. What was especially powerful was meeting my guides in the in between lives. Feeling their love, receiving messages from them and activations by noticing the physical sensations in my body was an incredible gift and something I will take with me for the rest of this lifetime. It felt like pure magic and something I didn’t know I was capable of. Remembering past lives and connecting with my guides helped me to go deeper in my healing, giving me so much validation and reassurance for what I need in the present. I will take this knowledge with me for the rest of my journey here and I’m reminded of my power and how loved and guided I am. I am eternally grateful to Thalia for facilitating a deeply healing and meaningful experience.


  "Thalia, wow, where do I even start. I didn’t know what to expect with this reading but I knew I was in for a treat and could hardly wait to hear what she saw. Of course with anything we do every experience is for Us and how we individually receive it; take what resonates, leave (explore) what doesn’t; and wow did it resonate. 

Everything she said hit home in some aspect or another whether it was in an energetic sense verbalizing how I often feel or commenting on something that explained a thought pattern/way of carrying myself or explaining a deep seeded pattern that’s always been with me that didn’t have a known origin.  My body reverberated with each point she brought up bringing chills and sensations and tears. I’m still sitting with the information my soul knows and is remembering and allowing it all to sink into the right places and integrate into my being. Thalia I truly can’t thank you enough. This reading brought so much clarity to me. I’m grateful beyond words and look forward to opening up to myself even deeper. Blessings dear soul." 


“Thalia is an extraordinary ascension guide. When I booked the soul memory session, I didn’t know what to expect but the experience blew me away. Thalia patiently guided me through the entire process and facilitated an insightful and unforgettable astral traveling experience that allowed me to re-visit past lives and connect with my spirit guides. She is also impressively knowledgeable and can answer all of my questions and explained the bits and pieces that came out thoroughly and clearly. I can’t recommend her enough and personally believe that she will change your life! Eternally grateful for crossing paths with her.“     


"I am eternally grateful for crossing paths with Thalia. Any nerves I felt going into the sessions were gone as soon as we connected. Thalia is extremely gentle and kind. She takes her time and goes into extensive detail, leaving you feeling one with your soul. She gives so much validation and information, I was blown away. And her prices are extremely reasonable. Honestly, words don’t do it any justice. Thalia is a true healer and a wonderful guide. I feel a significant shift in my life for the better. It is a gift to connect with her, and I’m so grateful for her service to humanity."                                                      


“Thalia is one of the most gifted practitioners I have met. Using her advanced higher senses, she precisely read my past life experiences in relation to particular star systems and their connection to my soul journey or spiritual visions, providing a 360-degree complete view. Even in the digital realm, you will sense her powerful aura from afar, deeply connected to the universal source and numerous galactic civilizations. Her sessions are extremely comprehensive, where she will go into great detail and is patient in answering as many questions as possible. I highly recommend Thalia to spiritual enthusiasts of all levels, and I am confident she will provide insights way beyond your expectations.”


“I highly recommend a celestial reading to anyone who wants to know about their soul beyond earth. In my reading I was able to make so many links to the subtle hints the universe had been giving me. All along, there were signs trying to lead me to remembrance that I overlooked. I have never felt more at home than in that reading. I was lucky enough to get an upgrade during my reading. I was also given clarity on my souls purpose. I now feel connected to my celestial origins and have a much deeper understanding of myself. This was the best gift I could ever receive, to journey beyond what my mind could even comprehend. Thank you Thalia for bringing me messages of comfort and enlightenment.”



“The celestial reading with Thalia. A true experience like no other. My eyes were opened and the viels were uncovered. Answers to questions I didn’t consciously realize I had made me shift perspective on my entire journey and who I was. I walked away from this reading never the same, deeply connected like never before with a new understanding of the higher influences around me.

Earth can be a strange and dark place sometimes, gaining this profound clarity has helped shed light in my navigation. An authentic gift like Thalia’s doesn’t come around very often. A real channel of light at service.”

LAMA | Canada

”Oh where do I start! From the moment I met Thalia, I knew I was in good hands. It could not be more clear that she genuinely wants to do right by her clients and give them as much clarity as possible. Whether it be for tarot readings or reiki sessions, I’ve always left with beautiful visions of past lives, or clarity on the present/future. Even from session to session the dots connect more and more- providing continuity with messages from prior sessions. She’s helped me rediscover my inner strength and affirmed my intuition, all with her open channel and gentle approach. She is a proficient channel and leads with her compassionate heart. When you book with her, know that you will walk away with little gems to help carry you forward, and you’ll be extremely grateful for the experience.”

KATHERINE | United States


"Where to start!? Thalia is exceptional, she and I first connected a couple of months ago and I was referred from a friend to try and have a session with her, needless to say it was absolutely amazing! I my self was going through a transition in my life of self healing and with Thalia she opened up a lot of insight in regards to this healing. We have done now a couple of sessions together and I never regretted each time we had one! She is one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met and the most sincere when it comes to reading a individual. I 100% recommend to anyone who is wanting to try her! Thank you again Thalia, you are the best!!"


“My friend recommended me to Thalia and boy am I ever grateful!! I have gone to Thalia 3 times and will only go to her whenever I need a reading or a reiki session. Every time I leave a session, it brings me closer to my mission and I always find the answers I am looking for. Yesterday’s session was so powerful that it brought me to tears. She is so gifted and her intuition is always on point and she helps me navigate through any issues that come up for me. Once you meet her, it’ll be as if you already have known her for years. She has such a soothing, calming energy about her and I always feel so calm and so clear on what I need to accomplish next. Thalia, beautiful soul, I can’t wait to see you again!!”



"Thalia (or more likely her energy!) randomly passed through my social media timeline one day, despite not knowing her or having any mutual friends or colleagues. She lives in Canada, and I live in Brazil and yet, through some kind of divinely inspired event, our paths crossed, and I knew unequivocally that her work would be instrumental in helping me through a difficult transition. I had resorted to monthly Ayahuasca rituals for a year before meeting Thalia — it was more a step of desperation than anything else — I was very lost, and needed to find some answers. I did find answers, but it left me feeling more fragmented and out-of-body than I have ever felt before, and I was struggling to function. Very quickly, in a couple of Reiki sessions, Thalia managed to help ground me, and get my confidence and energy back in a way that was so gentle and quick. I am truly grateful for that intervention, and it is testament that great change can happen quickly and gently with the right teacher. Our sessions are sometimes Reiki, sometime past-life readings and sometimes 'open' sessions where I can ask any question that I feel is relevent. Last night, our open session involved Thalia communicating with the land where I have my ranch in Brazil, and it is so tremendously useful to know the vibration of the land that I choose to work with. Thalia is probably one of the kindest, gentlest, knowledgeable healers I have ever met, and I have worked with a lot of healers during my 41 years! When we first started working together, I was a little worried because of past experience, that she might try and predict my future with the brashness that others have done, ignoring the true law of the universe where probability and choice is more precedent over fixed outcomes — but she didn’t, far from it, and she understood with great wisdom how to channel and present that information. The trust that came from that understanding was instrumental to my progress. Thank-you so much Thalia, I cherish your generosity and gentleness in helping me to my next level of transcendence, and I can’t wait to keep working with you."


“I recently had a session with Thalia and her insights blew be away. They hit deep, and I knew my soul was listening intently. I put her recommendations in to practice immediately and have felt the benefits straight away. Her energy is very calming and supportive, and I'm very grateful to her for what came through in the session. Wishing you many blessings, Thalia! I look forward to reconnecting again.”

Blathnaid | Ireland

“I had a past life reading done by Thalia. I went in skeptical but I figured with her low prices, I had nothing to lose. By the time the session was done, I was amazed at the level of intuition she had. Many topics she touched upon, were closely linked to what my astrologer had been telling me for years. What’s unique about the experience is that there’s no time restraint. I wasn’t worried about running out of time or having unanswered questions, which made for a more relaxed overall experience. These readings can be deeply personal, but Thalia comes with no judgement. She’s very kind, receptive and understanding and makes you feel as ease. Regardless if you’re feeling stuck, unsure, at a crossroads, or just curious, you’ll come away with a new perspective, some clarity and food for thought for days.”


“I have had two remote readings with Thalia an open session and past lives reading. Both readings were enlightening and insightful. This women is the REAL DEAL. I don't normally get too many readings but I found during this time of change to give this a try. Her price is extremely reasonable and she is quick to respond to emails and setup a sessions. She spent a lot of time with me in both sessions and explained everything simply for me to understand since I am fairly new to this type of experience. She conveys important messages of the soul and gave me a feeling of content and hope for the future. I would describe her as a cross between spiritual healer and counselor. I am very grateful to have met her and happy that she was able to share her gifts with me. I encourage others who may be skeptical to give it a try, I believe they will be surprised by her accuracy and wisdom. I can guarantee you will feel better after the experience.  I will absolutely be booking more sessions with her in the future.” 


"I had the opportunity to meet with Thalia on two occasions and I immediately felt at ease. Her knowledge of Tarot and ability to channel is unmatched. The information gained from my sessions are full of details that honestly she should not know but does, as she is guided by the spirits. Taking these lessons learned and applying them to my today is essential and I feel confident in knowing that the advice and guidance I received is where I was, am, and applied, will be. I highly recommend Thalia to anyone seeking to find more about themselves."


"My reading experiences with Thalia are always making me grow into a better version of myself. She always build on the last session so she is able to give a consistent reading evolving from session to session. The advices are so powerful and she is far from being a fortune teller. She is able to dig deeper than the surface and guide you through your deeper self".


“I would highly recommend Thalia - I have been delving into the spiritual world for for the past 7 years so I am extremely fussy with who I let into my energy. Thalia is one of the few. Her open reading allowed for all the things I needed to hear come through, so much insight and clarity was given especially in regards to my spiritual journey and it was highly needed! Firm believer that people who cross paths for a reason and there was defiantly a reason for this. Thank you soooo much. You are a powerful woman!”


“I’ve been lucky enough to have a few readings from Thalia over the last few years. I’m continually blown away by her accuracy and compassion in delivering relevant and important information. I can still remember my first reaction from my first reading I had with her. I was truly amazed by what she told me. She understood things about my own personal journey that it seemed impossible for anyone to know. She was still able to articulate specific details that were quite complex and seemed to be away from words. She generous with her time during her sessions which creates a very safe and comfortable atmosphere.
I would highly recommend anyone to put her to the test and try a reading. You will not be disappointed!”

Jon | Canada

“Thalia is the person to speak with if you are looking for growth and deep insights into your family lineage, ancestry and life’s purpose.
Her ability to make connections and bring forward messages that resonate is unlike anything I've experienced previously. You will hear what you need to and it will be coming from love.

Sharn | Canada

One of my good friends referred me to Thalia. After adding her on social media, I could feel she really had this strong gift of wanting to help others so I gave it a try and messaged her for an Open Session and boy was I happy I did. only did she read my cards but she explained so much to me that made sense! We didn't speak about my future and how many kids I'll be having. We discussed what my life's purpose really is, why I'm here, how I can help, and she was able to communicate with me what my spirit guides have been trying to tell me. It was SUCH a freeing experience. I already have another session booked to discuss crystals and how I can continue using my gift. I'm beyond grateful that the universe has brought me to her and look forward to keep working with Thalia in the future.

Monica | Canada

I want to start off by saying WOW, How life changing. This ascension session is nothing like reiki at all, its so much more powerful. Want to really tap into your third eye & connect on a cosmic level, Do one of these sessions. You will instantly realize your jumping timelines and vibrations from moment the session starts. This is like your golden ticket into New earth & really understanding things on a huge energetic level. The things I experienced are things i’ll never be able to forget. From seeing my personal healing temple, to having things i’ve never said to anyone being confirmed & finally to feeling my third eye activated. This is such an intimate deep dive into your soul records and all the healing I’ve done in recent months prepared me for this otherworldly session. I have such a sense of peace and like the universe now lives inside my being. I would a thousand percent recommend this session to anyone who has been searching for something deeper. Thalia explained everything in such detail and gave a report of everything it really forms a huge bond between you and the cosmic realms. SO GRATEFUL FOR THIS SESSION!

Justine | New Jersey